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Healthy Workload Boundaries

"Healthy boundaries are flexible enough that we can choose what to let in and what to keep out." Anne Katherine You know what it's like when you ask some friends or colleagues how work's going. Even as you ask you know the reply is going to be "Overworked and underpaid."  It's an often used phrase, perhaps even by you.   Today what I'd like you to do is take a look at your workload and ask yourse...
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A Quick Reminder About Setting Goals

"When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live" Greg Anderson Whilst we're often all too clear what our work wants of us and from us and, we don't necessarily make time to consider what we want from our work.  Grab a pen a paper and write down one thing you want to accomplish this week, something ...
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