If you’re just starting out on the career ladder, finding that right first rung for you, and taking your place in the world of work, can feel like a daunting first step. Often the hardest part of kick starting your career is deciding on which job role you want, before you even start figuring out how to get it. Even if you’re one of the few job seekers with a very focused education and experience for a specific job role, finding the organisation that’s right for you, and starting at the right level, not to mention the initial challenge of finding out about that role in the first place, will all require careful thought and planning.
For most of us, our broader education and experience has the benefit of opening up a wider spectrum of potential job opportunities, which, though exciting, can feel overwhelming. It’s important to take time before you begin your job and career search, to make sure that whatever first step you take is well thought out and the right one for you.
By working with you to develop a career exploration strategy, we can help you to explore all the options open to you, to enable you to make that ultimate first step towards your dream career.

We can support you with:
- Identifying which roles would best suit your education, experience and personality type.
- Exploring roles and organisations within your chosen field to help you find the right fit for you.
- Accessing support networks within your chosen field to give you access to unadvertised job opportunities, influence makers and networking groups of like-minded people.
- Writing a CV tailored to your ideal role, to best showcase your suitability for your dream role.
- Coaching and interview training to give you the confidence to make that positive first impression that could land you the career of your dreams.